Michael Kwan

Michael Kwan

Michael is the founder of WebX.my, an AI-powered website creation platform built on WordPress. Since its launch in December 2023, WebX has been dedicated to democratizing website ownership and was selected for the MyStartup Pre-Accelerator Cohort 3 by Cradle & MOSTI.

Michael’s career spans nearly two decades and includes founding Pixl Digital, where he delivered high-quality web solutions to clients like BOH Tea and Protasco Bhd. At Pixl Digital, he developed over 100 WordPress-powered websites, many with complex eCommerce functionalities. He also co-founded DiineOut.com, a platform for unique F&B experiences built on WordPress; led the tech team at Traworld, enhancing their travel platform; and held a tech writing position at Yahoo Malaysia, contributing to impactful digital initiatives. He is also a HRDC-certified professional trainer, specialising in web & digital topics.

He can usually be bribed with coffee and cake.