Discovering my color blindness during secondary school didn’t stop me from pursuing my dream in design. With a keen sense of observation and a gift for understanding clients’ needs, I’ve thrived in the creative industry. Join me for this motivational 30-minute talk, where I’ll inspire and encourage coders and programmers to embrace design skills in their daily practices.

In this session, I’ll share my journey of overcoming obstacles and delivering exceptional designs despite my color blindness. I’ll provide practical tips and real-life examples to show how even a basic understanding of design can enhance project quality and user experience according to the client’s request.

If you’ve ever felt limited by your coding skills and believed design was out of reach, this talk is for you. Let’s ignite creativity within the coding community and shape a captivating digital landscape together. Join me to unlock the potential of design-thinking in programming!

Teo Chung Hock